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Tuesday 17 August 2021

397. Equality Equality Equality…

 When you look at the world in terms of lack of equality it is suddenly obvious why it’s in such a mess.  When you balance everything on the scales measuring inequality, suddenly everything makes sense.

Politicians’ atonal whining that they are ‘working to make things better’ or that ‘it’s complicated’ or ‘we are making difficult decisions’ all turns to tepid turds. It is actually very straightforward.

Last century – when I first became involved in formal politics and got elected as Newcastle City Councils first black woman councillor, I was unfortunate enough to encounter Tony Blair when he posed for a photo opportunity in my ward. Little did I know then that I’d met my first (and hopefully only) future war criminal. Also one of the new breed of British leaders where personality – or what passed for it - counted for more than substance. He also loved a soundbite. Something else that was to become endemic in British politics. Paving the way for the likes of Boris Johnson where slogans trump substance every time.

One of Tony Blair’s favourites was Education Education Education. Odd then that his government presided over a huge increase in the gap between the privileged and the rest of us and also his government introduced tuition fees – crushing the futures of generations of young people saddled with debt and diminishing job prospects.

Over the last two months I’ve been hosting a new social debate programme on Jambo Radio Scotland. I’ve been fortunate enough to talk to many interesting and well informed people from a union activist and a poverty campaigner to an international aid expert, an environmental consultant and someone who has dedicated his working life to supporting and working with refugees.

And what has hit home hard is that in fact it is Equality Equality Equality that matters. It is Equality that is at the very heart of improving everything. It is inequality that is the rot at the core of what is wrong.

Whether it’s that rich countries pollute and poor countries pay the price or the rise of poorly paid insecure jobs, decades after we all thought unfair work practices had been shown the door to the fact that International Aid actually benefits wealthy countries far more than the poor countries and keeps poor countries in insurmountable debt.

Check out this interview I did with  Dr Samuel Mwuara

If we had real Equality in the work place there would not still be a significant average gap between the pay of men and women. Nor would there be a significantly higher chance of you being unemployed if you are Black or Asian (or being in insecure work).

IF there were real equality in relation to the climate crisis – then countries dumping their waste and pollution into the sea and land and air would be duty and legally bound to pay compensation to those countries where rising sea levels are rendering life unliveable or the heat is decimating crops and infrastructure.

 More so – there would be a direct link made between environmental devastation – climate refugees and the responsibility of the main polluter countries to take in and support the climate refugees. Ironically this would put those who care about the environment suddenly on the same side as the idiot bigots who piss themselves every time they come across someone who is ‘different’ from them.

IF there were real Equality, we in the West would not be spending time, money and resources on nonsense and self-indulgence while the world literally burns and our fellow human beings, mainly in the global South pay the price for our selfishness.




It is the answer - to EVERYTHING.


Do remember to check out MY BOOKS (available on expanded distribution so you can buy from your favourite online book supplier). In relation to the above – do especially look at Zero One Zero Two.

Its nice to be back. Thank you for reading.