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Tuesday, 24 August 2021

398. ‘World-beating Britain’? Clearly most Brits swallowed the blue pill…

 Along with other ‘remoaners’ I’ve long got over the fact that the bigots, Faragistas and Borishits who chose Brexit over the chance of a future, will never admit that their xenophobia led them into a shit pile. Just as MAGA nutters will never admit that Trump is a cheap con man. However, with Trump as a yard stick, voting in an obvious low-life charlatan like Boris Johnson seemed to be something beyond delusion and self-harm. It was as if the worst of Britain recognised something even more corrupt and crass and craven in him than in the darkest corners of the black hole where their souls shrivelled and died from the effects of jingoist-rot and said – yeah – lets have that – that will show the liberal do-gooders…

But now the extent and depth and width of the shit hole this government and this party has dug for Britain is evident – even to the flag-waving cretins who’d rather torch their own homes than be nice to a foreigner. Where is the anger / disappointment / horror / real-reaction-of-any-kind from the public or the media? Did EVERYONE apart from a couple of crazies (me included) take the blue pill?


Let’s take a quick, painful sideways glance at a few of World Beating Britain’s current list of global embarrassments – (an exhausting but not an exhaustive list)


  • Decreasing life-expectancy in poor areas of Britain
  • One of the worst mortality and economic outcomes from covid of any EU country
  • NHS slipped from 1st place in the world to 4th after a decade of Tory austerity
  • Total failure of test and trace during the pandemic (Vietnam and Taiwan did better than the UK…)
  • Raab too busy tanning to attend to obviously unfolding Afghanistan crisis
  • Increase in gap between rich and poor
  • Racism in the royal cabal
  • Moralising on Afghanistan while supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons
  • Ireland’s fragile peace put at risk by Johnson’s hopeless Brexit deal
  • Tory cronies profiteering from the pandemic
  • Total incompetence of government ministers e.g. Raab, Williamson, Shapps
  • Grubbiness and incompetence of government ministers e.g. Matt Hancock
  • Incompetence and proven bullying by government minister - Pritti Patel
  • Increase of child poverty
  • Food banks becoming a permanent fixture of UK life
  • Shortages and catastrophic damage to small businesses (under-reported in a limp media) due to Brexit
  • Infrastructure failures (the rail network [generally] – raw sewage being dumped by privatised water company – for YEARS)
  • Royal family hiding a suspected paedophile in plain sight
  • Waste of money and environmental vandalism of HS2
  • Cruelty towards refugees and assylum seekers
  • Cutting the aid budget during covid
and so on...

I’m sure I’ve used The Matrix analogy before but clearly this cannot be analogous to any super hero movie I’ve ever seen. Terms Apocalypse and Armageddon are over-used (including by me) when referring to ongoing environmental vandalism and the climate crisis that barely registers with the self-interested clique at the top. It’s certainly not a rom com as there is no feel-good factor. There is plenty of painful-to-watch slap-stick but not the sort to make you smile. Sci-fi ? – no. Although – we are working towards making the planet we rely on similar to Mars - cold and devoid of human life. But despite the real drama of the crisis all around us, the audience seems dead from the neck up. Switched off. Unplugged (or plugged in but not to the real world)?

Can it really be that imminent unstoppable destruction of our only home due to the incompetence, venality and corrupt self-interest of those paid huge sums out of the public purse to represent us and manage the country cannot compete with ‘I’m a Celebrity watch me debase myself’ or ‘Strictly come fake shit’ or ‘Marvel costume pile-up, scriptless, brainless shite?

If there is a next time, please take the red pill…


Talking of being not plugged in - for anyone reading - NB I am not on any social media - I only exist in what is left of the 'real' world so thank you for finding your way here.

Do check out  MY BOOKS and thank you for finding your way there too if you do.

If any  more gigs come up I will post here.