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Tuesday 16 October 2018

285. The Britain UKIP wanted is nearly here and it will harm the people they conned…

You could be forgiven for concluding that the emerging chaos, madness and random social destructiveness of Brexit is all a sly ruse by the well-off to simply re-deregulate Britain and make it – once more – a haven for the haves and a hell for the have-nots.

Yes, it appears to have been a muddle, with Britain unravelling alarmingly quickly since David Cameron sought to quell the right wing rats in his party and pander to the jingoists with an in-out referendum he’d not though through. But remember – as well as the underlying racism and xenophobia of the campaign there were decades of rabid ranting about regulations from Brussels. It’s true, you don’t hear so much bleating about EU Health and Safety Regulations since the Grenfell Tower disaster…

But two news stories over the last few days strengthen the ugly impression that there was an underlying, almost inevitable drive to the cliff top for very dark but clear reasons. One story relates to seismic instability of a geological nature and the other, seismic instability of a socio-political nature.

Fracking rules – we are told – may be relaxed. Apparently, they were too stringent when put in place following the earth tremors experienced in Lancashire 7 years ago after experimental fracking there. What wimps those Lancs folks are I hear you cry. Who wouldn’t want the experimental deep drilling on their doorstep which caused minor earthquakes last time it was allowed? 

With Brexit in their sights, Cuadrilla seem emboldened and determined to start the subterranean pounding that is – by the way – banned by their parent company’s country – France.

Then there is Universal Credit. UC is the over-arching welfare benefit being brought in to ‘streamline’ the benefits system. 

The new welfare benefit is, in fact – as is always the case with Tory administrations – euphemism for cutting benefits. In this case cutting dramatically. Some low income families will, reportedly, be £200 per month worse off – and they are already scraping by. One of the main targets is Tax Credits – one of the few things Gordon Brown can be given real credit for. Working Tax Credit and Family Tax Credit (I benefited from the latter) was brought in to alleviate the pounding the economy took from the unregulated fiscal sector that brought us the 2008 crash and wages so low families could not live on them. 

Although every informed commentator regards Universal Credit as a disaster – leading to horrible financial difficulties for those already struggling at the bottom of the income pile – just like Brexit – it is going ahead anyway. It is being rolled out further and faster by the very people who know it is not working. Complaints, from organisations such as the CAB and charities trying to help the needy, that it is causing untold misery to struggling families, fall on deaf ears.

It is increasingly difficult to drown out the howls of derisive laughter leaking from the gilded sanctuaries of the wealthy and powerful as they anticipate our newly de-regulated, austere, callous Britain. In my lifetime the UK went from a 1960's hopeful society that wanted to improve opportunities for ordinary people to one which greedily snatched those small concessions away. We will become again a haven for 1950's Rachman - style landlords in a world where young people cannot get on the property ladder and are crushed by personal debt. We will see again 1960s Cathy Come Home - style family break ups as the welfare system turns to concrete. And all in a socially and literally fractured land as profit trumps environmental concerns and humanity in the new backwards Britain.

So back to the good old bad old days – just what UKIP wanted and the Tories enabled.
Also check out blog 142. Fracking Fraud