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Tuesday 7 May 2024

Dear Gaza, for what it’s worth – 3 out of 4 countries in the UK union care… (501)

As the world burns – only the cold, hard horror of Gaza can chill us to the bone.

It is popular in the right-wing press and for bought-and-paid for politicians to sneer at climate change in a way that helps the world ignore that once again – it is the poorest who suffer –at least at first.

Somehow – the world also seems to be able to ignore militaristic man-made horrors – Gaza, Ukraine (yes – the Western Media even seems to have tired of a conflict where White people are dying). Yemen barely features.

Right now Vietnam and Thailand are seeing their hottest ever temperatures. Delhi is burning. Meanwhile the hideous miscalculation of America and its long-term ‘special friend’ Britain - both still arming Israel as a further descent into madness - has paved the way for the imminent onslaught of Rafah.

No moral person can seriously claim that Netanyahu is anything other than insane if he thinks this will a. bring remaining hostages safely home b. lead to real future security for Israel.

At this point, it’s anyone’s guess what his actions are intended to achieve.

The death toll mounts. The suffering deepens. The destruction is almost total.

A few blogs ago, I posted that The Ghosts of Gaza would be waiting for UK politicians come the general election. In the local elections last week in England there was evidence that The Gaza effect is there. This is small beer in terms of global considerations except that it shows that the politicians are, again, out of step with the people. At least that is how it appears.

As The UK Conservative Party implodes in government – all their talk is how to stay in power and nothing at all to do with what is good for the people of Britain never mind anywhere else in the world. However, The Labour Party under Keir Starmer has followed the Tory line on Gaza – they in turn have followed the terrible missteps of Biden on this issue.

Looking at the UK and US you could be forgiven for thinking there is nothing more important for the world to focus on than (US) a rapist conman prospective Republican candidate – falling asleep and farting in court or (UK) the lunatic remnants of The Conservative Party showing the public just how much money they can waste with their cruel, unworkable Rwanda migrant deportation policy.

But know this – the UK is made of FOUR nations. Only England has failed to call for a cease fire in Gaza. The 3D governments – devolved administrations of Scotland, Ireland, Wales – have all called for an immediate end to the suffering.

Here in Scotland the (now –ex) First Minister called for a ceasefire last year. Once Stormont was up and running in Ireland – their First Minister used her inaugural speech to call for a cease fire in Gaza. And even in Wales where Labour is the largest party – The Parliament, without Labour’s support, managed to win a vote overall on the subject of calling for a cease fire. So – of the four nations of the union THREE have supported an immediate ceasefire.

It’s a small thing. A very small thing. But for what it’s worth

We care in Scotland

They care in Ireland

They care in Wales

Gaza and those in Israel who genuinely care about the future of the region - please know this…