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Tuesday, 26 March 2024

After a decade & a half of Tory wreckage – they have a plan! (495)

SO, Britain is now a country where you pull out your own teeth after a visit to the foodbank maybe after doing an over-worked, understaffed shift in the NHS at a crumbling hospital and while forking out unaffordable childcare fees then collecting your older kids from a school that may collapse then a drive along dangerously pot-holed roads along streets of homeless people while your elderly relative waits in pain for that hip operation or delayed cancer diagnosis and treatment and where you go home to a damp flat with eye-watering rental or to a house where the mortgage makes you want to weep and you can’t afford to put the heating on while the Tories squander £millions on a cruel, failed deportation policy, enrich their mates and themselves and The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is on the news telling you that it’s hard to live on £100k…

But, after a decade and a half of wreckage, the Tories HAVE A PLAN…



As a corollary to this depressing state of affairs I believe that the state of national debate ably demonstrated here by Larry and Paul Larry & Paul every political debate is part of the reason we no longer get or expect nonsense to be publically challenged…