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Tuesday 11 May 2021

394. Half a Cup of Concern for the Climate Crisis

Last week’s English election results show that a significant number of people in what were traditionally working class Labour-voting areas significantly like jingoism and xenophobia. They not only like and enjoy the racist Boris Johnson and his Rule Britannia rhetoric but they are prepared to accept the bollocks that the Eton-educated twonk who literally didn’t care if they lived or died at the start of the pandemic (see previous posts – too many to list) is 'one of them'...


Does that really mean that – on Monday’s early morning Tory Broadcasting Company ‘news’ spew – climate catastrophe warranted no more than a stupidly childish 30ish seconds about how you might not be able to get your morning cuppa soon because tea plantations could be destroyed by global warming… Really? Was that it?

I mean I know there is the ridiculous distraction that is this dumb as shit government, its corruption and cronyism that could – yes – be mistaken for a very poor quality reality show for a nation obsessed with reality TV but surely, SURELY someone somewhere in authority or the media or government cares that we are one of the worst polluters of the planet and decimators of the natural world and its literally killing people more effectively than covid.


At the start of the pandemic I put up a post about the ‘other things’ apart from the pandemic that kill humans so very very efficiently - 393. Deadlier than Covid 

Of course  what I now realise is that if you want a cure for deadly diseases in a hurry just make sure that cossetted Westerners think they might get it. Tadaaaaah – more vaccines than you can shake a stick at in under a year.

But when tame estimates tell us that deaths from pollution in a 12 months period surpass covid by at least 100% surely we can have regular air time for environmental devastation? When we know that covid will peter out to an irritation as other viruses have done and media outlets will, in the not too distant future – have to fill the airwaves with something other than blah blah covid blah blah pandemic blah blah – wot we said yesterday – pollution will still be killing minimum 4 – 5 million every 12 months.

CO2 emissions are out of control and the best scientific estimates now tell us we cannot keep global warming increase to safe levels for many fragile, essential eco systems – like coral reefs. Coral reefs support so much other life in the ocean Boris Johnson may be relieved of future election stunts like sending navy vessels to Jersey to sneer at French fishermen the day before British elections because there will be no fish.

Surely – this warrants more than a few seconds in-between a rehash of yesterday’s nonsense and the sport?


And yes – you can still go to Bandcamp or

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