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Tuesday, 5 May 2020

343. Boris Johnson can’t manage family planning but we put him in charge of managing Britain.

And by family planning – I don’t mean contraception – I mean he doesn’t seem to be able to keep track of his families – never mind a new pathogen.

Yes – no matter how many times you pinch yourself it’s true. The lying, cheating, racist, blithering, dithering posh twit who thinks being PM is a part time job is de facto running the country during a global crisis.

The Symonds’ baby was – we were told - due in "early summer”. So either the seasons have shifted (another effect of global warming?) and April is now early summer instead of spring or shiftless Johnson tried to fool a very gullible public – and as usual - succeeded.

Then we were told the baby was premature. But for it to be premature enough to have not been well on the way while scatty-about-his-brats Johnson was still married to the mother of (I dunno) four of this known children – said woman also having treatment for cancer – the gestation would have had to have been about three months. Glory be. A miracle.

We are used to being instructed that we mustn’t mix the private lives of high profile people with their public duties – unless, that is, they choose to thrust those private lives into our faces when it suits their purposes. But from Bolsonaro to Trump it must now be clear to all that shitty men make shit leaders. And as many have pointed out – similar behaviour from an ordinary Joe lower down the food chain would draw derision and condemnation from those newspapers slavishly supporting Boris Johnson.

No doubt Johnson assumed that there would be nothing more onerous to do in 2020 than continue the Brexit wreckage and that could happily be left to Dominic Cummings while king-of-the-world simply enjoyed the trappings of high office. Many of his supporters were more than happy to have a known liar, philanderer (wonderful old fashioned word – like the clearly out of fashion notions of duty and honesty…) as leader. During the ‘quickie’ election in December last year, I lost count of the number of guys-on-the-street who said they’d vote for him because he was a ‘good bloke’ and a ‘bit of a laugh’.

Boris Johnson cannot, obviously, take responsibility for the country being badly run down and unready for the pandemic. Like Trump, he rarely takes responsibility for anything. No, that honour must go to his whole party as they have been in charge for a decade. Johnson couldn’t even be bothered to go to the emergency government cobra meetings early in the year. But I suppose by then he was ‘double-familied’.

Britain, the first country to have universal healthcare had no functioning UK-wide pandemic strategy. Trump got rid of America’s and cancelled the contract for keeping ventilators maintained (and advised folk to drink bleach…) BUT initially the US did have a strategic unit set up by Obama to cope with a pandemic which has been predicted by anyone with more than three brain cells to rub together. I even include this blog in that latter list and I’m not in on any secret meetings with anyone.

The broadcast media continue to read out ridiculous statements cobbled together by Matt Hancock as if they are actually true. Occasionally there is comment from someone at the sharp end who makes it clear that most of what is said is wishful thinking at best and bollocks at worst.

The other Dominic - Raab ( you will remember he was Brexit secretary before resigning after admitting he didn’t understand the importance of the Dover to Calais trade route) was First Secretary while Johnson was making his heroic, miraculous  recovery from coronavirus. Another miracle. When Raab was asked about the appalling failures in the care system for the elderly he stated  – with a straight face – that the sector was poorly managed and regulated (my paraphrase – he said something akin to that but less honest). But he said it as if the failure were nothing to do with THE GOVERNMENT. Maybe he not only doesn’t understand trade he doesn’t understand what the word GOVERNMENT means. The clue is in the first two syllables – GOVERN.

The whole horrible event has been a ludicrous mishmash of catch-up, with make-do- and-mend plus make-it-up-as-you-go-along thrown in. And if we were a third world country lacking resources or wealth or established structures, that would be bad but understandable.
We are not
It is not

It needs to be spelled out clearly that – as I’ve said before on this blog - the pandemic was the problem. The disaster for many and the long-lasting dreadful effects of this, especially for those at the bottom of the social pile, are a whole lot more to do with lack of leadership.

Finally – with regard to the weekend interview referred to by a gushing BBC as ‘candid’ Johnson apparently – having described his own health experience in soap opera style – declared he was now driven to prevent others suffering. It’s a bloody shame he didn’t feel “driven” in February or early March when it might have done some good.