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Friday, 20 March 2020

Freezers & bog roll

Freezers are hot now covid is here
Bog roll is scarce and hand gel is dear

Stockpiling dried pasta surely will mean
You won’t need the loo roll - your bum will be clean
(you’ll be constipated)

China’s on lock-down don’t go to Beijing
In the UK its more kinda do your own thing

Trump thinks racism’s the right thing to do
It’s not covid-19 but the new Chinese Flu

Johnson dreamed of being king of the world
Not an actual leader while a ruin unfurled

He thinks he is Churchill all stoic and brave
But Boris would make Winston turn in his grave

And with years of Conservative government malice
We’re draining stale drops from austerity’s chalice

Too few ventilators, doctors and beds
The ‘b’ team in charge scratching their heads

‘Working’ from home means couples have clashed
Coincidentally Netflix has crashed!

Few have been tested so nobody knows
Who has the virus so everyone pisses themselves if you blow your nose…

But at least air is cleaner now travel’s curtailed
Covid succeeded where the UN has failed.


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