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Tuesday, 3 March 2020

338. Stand up for yourself however, wherever, whenever you can.

If you are already sick of reading about Boris Johnson's latest impregnated younger woman and the behaviour which - if it were translated to a council estate in the North - would earn him the derision, condescension and criticism of the party he (partially) represents, then try some acerbic comedy diversion.

In the vacuum of leadership that the West finds itself in and also the dawning reality that no one is ‘in charge’ and the adults left the crumbling, disorganised, bully-infested school playground a long time ago – there is an even stronger argument that standing up for oneself is not only the right thing to do but whatever the outcome it can make you feel better.

Check out my comedy short story on the subject here on the John Byrne Award website

And try my adult novels and books for children