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Tuesday, 19 November 2019

327. Prince Andrew/ Flooding / Train Fights - basket case Britain laid bare!

Andrew Prince of Pervs is just one unpleasant symptom of the disconnect between the fantasy of Britain and reality.

Even the blessed state of being TV-free for two decades didn’t allow me to entirely avoid the hideous staring-eyed bollocks being babbled by Britain’s dimmest royal (and that’s saying something). Did he learn that blank-faced fibbing from Tony Blair? The bigger the lie the emptier the look?

My take from the snippets I picked up while scanning for real news on the internet and listening to one friend who was genuinely mesmerised by the appalling performance, was that – no - our Prince of Pervs couldn’t remember anything about ever having met the 17 yr old pimped to him by the known paedophile Epstein, but he had vivid memory of taking his kids to a very specific fast food joint at that time.

Then there is the flooding. After nearly a week of claiming there was no national emergency, Boris Johnson finally took a load of troops to Yorkshire and attempted to show some synthetic sympathy for the non-Etonians suffering more environmental carnage or at least generate some damage limitation TV footage. Whether the troops were there to help the flood effort or protect posh pig man from angry victims was unclear. And as more housing estates are built on floodplains and developers are allowed to simply plug into already over-used infrastructure and more land is denuded of natural vegetation, directly increasing the chances of future flooding, there seems no plan to deal with what is going to be an increasingly regular feature of UK life.

Meanwhile – babysitting in Bramley for my grandchildren, we had our own mini drama when my daughter was delayed getting home because there was a serious fight on the commuter train from Leeds train station. As with a lot of local train routes there are never enough carriages. Rush hour rolls around every day but that seems to come as a huge surprise to the privatised, profiteering train companies whose local trains regularly have just two carriages despite there being at least four carriage loads of passengers. This time it was too much for one angry man who sadly took it out on the hapless guard and a nasty brawl ensued.

What these three things tell us loudly and extremely clearly – in case anyone hadn’t noticed – is that Britain isn’t working. Britain is currently the basket case of Europe; like a slobbering, senile, incontinent pensioner grabbing at a nurse’s bum, still under the impression he is no end of a devil.

The Brexit nutters who keep banging on about how Britain used to rule the waves and can again, are not only wrong, not only dangerous, not only deluded, not only dragging the whole country down the sewer with them they are completely insane.

The first story tells us that our archaic institutions and ‘traditions’ are a sham. The second story tells us that there is one enormous issue that could finish us all while the most mediocre bunch of English politicians we’ve ever had the misfortune to see in high office piss about staggering blindly from one catastrophe and waste of time to the next. The Third story tells us that the people are at the end of their tether.

It is not going to end well and the saddest thing of all is that it didn’t need to happen. We could have spent the last three and a half years dealing with the things that matter and make people’s lives better…

If you don’t read The Independent here are two more of my letters they published – one yesterday and one the day before.
Sunday 17th The Independent
(re; the ludicrous electioneering)

Dear Editor,
As a mother and granny, watching the myriad of political mediocrities wreck Britain and our families’ futures has depressed and worried me.

The added irony of knowing that those doing the damage will, due to their positions and income and in some cases inherited wealth, be cushioned from the catastrophic effects, rubs much salt into that wound.

Imagine my joy as the electioneering gets into full swing.

If I’ve followed things correctly then, apparently, come December 13th, regardless of the acknowledged economically disastrous effects of Brexit (with or without a deal), we will all be given a free tree, a free foot massage once a week and gold unicorns for breakfast every Sunday.

Monday 18th The Independent
(re Priti Patel [a resignation due to scandal in 2017 no bar to her serving as home secretary in this government...] boasting about abandoning British Children in the Middle East)

Dear Editor,
We are increasingly gripped by the fear saying the wrong things – while constantly doing them.
So, if anyone is wondering whether they dare say that it’s worse to have a woman with brown skin – Priti Patel - bragging about abandoning British children caught up in the middle east conflict we helped fuel – the answer – from a woman with brown skin is – YES – it is worse.
And remember for my books check out my author pages