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Tuesday, 5 November 2019

325. Brexit - The Great Escape. At a polling station near you - December 12th

Reclaiming NORMAL on 12th December is doable thanks to the delinquency of Johnson and the ego of Corbyn and the stagnant mediocrity endemic at the top of our political system.

If we play our cards right.

Yes – suddenly there is a break for the sane people. The tunnel hasn’t come out in the grounds of Stalag Luft III. Instead, it may have come out in the woods with the sweet air of freedom already wafting down the dank dirty tunnel of what has been our lives since June 2016.

The combined entitled lunacy and uselessness of posh pig Johnson and spineless, fence-sitting useless Corbyn has led each to plump for the election that could put both parties in solitary for some time while releasing the rest of us from Brexit incarceration on one single day on 12th December.

In case you haven’t worked it out yet, if you want to be free of the ruinous right-wing populists and the dithering Corbyn idiots and have a future, voting could not be simpler on Dec 12th.

Votes for the SNP up here in Scotland are likely to go up significantly so no issue there.
Many of those unlucky enough to live closer to the Westminster sewer, if they think it through, will hold their noses and vote Lib Dem or, if Remainers actually organise themselves this time and are canny with placement of Remain candidates – the Remain alternative.

We can worry about everything else when we have regained NORMAL.

It may have seemed that, with another snap election, we were being served a rancid, cold, stale tripe sandwich but, for decent folk, this could be the warm, wholesome Christmas dish of delights of all time.

Bring on the BRUSSELS sprouts…


NB - and - yes - I see the irony of using a metaphor of a German prisoner of war camp but if you want to go down that path (or tunnel) its s triple irony because the Brexit headbangers have clearly forgotten ALL the lessons of a divided, xenophobic Europe.