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Tuesday 26 February 2019

300. May's Brexselection v Corbyn's Diarrhoea option

After months of political constipation, May is going to give the Westminster weevils another vote. WEHEEEEEY I hear you cry (not).

On the 12th March (just 3 days before the Ides of March – has this woman not heard of Julius Caesar?) MPs will be allowed to pick from her limited and tainted selection. They can choose between bad and dreadful which will look something like this...

Plus, in the wake of the 9 defecations from Labour (no – that is not a typo) Corbyn has been dragged kicking and screaming to actually agree a previously stated Labour Party plan. Depending which Labour Party spokesperson has the mic, this is something like a policy on a second vote/referendum – albeit one that is vague, unformed, kind of sloppy/watery and uncomfortable for everyone. Let’s call it Corbyn's diarrhoea option…

NB. If you would like to try some mixed race magic, a 7-day Ella & the Knot Fairies offer starts next Tuesday.