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Tuesday, 22 January 2019

295. Brexit is Britain’s Hecatomb

Boris Johnson claims he didn’t mention a Turkish migrant invasion during the referendum. Oddly, everyone remembers his scare tactic comments  so clearly there's no need even to fact check. But, in the scheme of things frankly you have to respond – yes, so what?

In Corbyn we have an opposition leader who neither leads nor opposes (any fellow lefties who took me to task when I said – on this blog - that he would be a disaster for Labour - shortly after he was elected - may want to come back to me now with their current arguments about the great man? No? Ok...

We have a leader who does not lead and cannot even claim now to have her own faction – despised as she is by the rabid Brexiteers, the soft Leavers and the despairing Remainers.

We have ten DUP members brought and bought in to prop up a pitiful administration. They, of course represent Ireland. Ireland voted to Remain as passionately as Scotland did and yet the DUP dinosaurs hover like Dementors in the dark screeching and swooping out on a Brexit full moon to feast on Theresa May’s hopes  if she dares deviate from the Brexit disaster they crave.

Gove was one of the big liars of the referendum con and now simply sings out his silly tune about a No Deal being a disaster as if the results of May’s Brexit deal would be a picnic.

And Farage – that maggot in almost-human form – is warning people to prepare for another referendum – when presumably he’d dig up some new improved xenophobia.

The history of war is littered with the trusting masses being led by their social superiors to slaughter. Time and again, throughout the ages, those vain or stupid or stubborn (or all of the above) ‘leaders’ led ordinary men to useless deaths. The Charge of the Light Brigade the famous poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson (my mother forced me to learn it when I was a child!) was an attempt to make a silk purse out of that particular sow’s ear. The infamous charge during The Battle of Balaclava 25th October 1854 was one of the worst massacres of the Crimean War. Of the 675 infantrymen who were ordered into the cannon fire – few returned but they were sent into the horrific suicide charge without there ever being a chance of any other outcome.

The Charge of the Light Brigade was a hecatomb.

In ancient Greece – a hecatomb was a great and public sacrifice – initially of 100 oxen. It became a term attached to war carnage on an excessive and pointless scale. Unnecessary sacrifices led to slaughter in other words.

Brexit is Britain’s political hecatomb and above are listed some of its perpetrators.