Cameron can represent privileged out-of-touch white
blokes who think a sound-bite is a policy, have dodgy mates with wildly inflated
ideas of their own worth, who think a ‘moral dilemma’ means considering whether
or not you will get caught out tax dodging - and I’ll
have a go at representing EVERYONE ELSE.
We saw in 2010 what a soap opera a ‘leaders’ debate was (isn't that how we ended up with Clegg?) But if we must have one, I propose the
solution above.
Like me you may already feel a guilty desire to be
distracted from the looming depressing horror show which is May 7th and the unedifying votes bidding war. Here then is a little BGOTR smorgasbord
of random alternative short diversions from the archives;
to keep the kids calm for half an hour or get them to sleep (!) visit
And if you’re worried you’re going crazy – rest
assured you are quite normal – relatively speaking - this is what I did last
half term,
For Funny Feminism go to blog 69.
And free membership is still available for - The Crap Gap Club - see blog 113.
I hope that helps keeps you sane till next Tuesday...