Boris’s latest attention-seeking blather just shows
how fantasies fester in the I.ncestuous Q.quagmire that is the roped-off
member’s only club of the British elite. I.neQ.uality has to be constantly
This I.nsipid Q.uixote, this I.gnominious Q.uasimodo
(the opposite of a metaphor with his deformity of character) is simply jester
in the rotten court of I.neQuity. Would not a true test of intelligence be an
indication that a person could utter even one sentence, one scintilla of an
idea that is not an obvious and predictable product of their background?
No one, especially the high flyers want their egos
dented by the notion that their position is based on un-earned social advantage.
Their enduring delusion is that they did it all themselves. They are the
deserving rich. Somewhere in their black hearts they know that a decent human
being is I.nstinctively Q.ueasy about the startling, unjustifiable unfairness
that oozes round us now like poison gas. I.neQ.uality is an ugly I.niQ.uity.
The flip side to the fantasy of deserving rich is,
of course, the undeserving poor. It is an equally important lie to maintain.
In a country governed not by a fairly elected group
but by a pervasive system of I.n-crowd Q.aungos the lies are easy to
perpetrate. Every organisation with power is stuffed full of people who have
benefitted from the I.nstitutionalised status Q.uo.
Solidified privilege does not just keep down
potential talent it elevates mediocrity. Whoever said you couldn’t polish a
turd clearly hasn’t looked closely at what is floating round in the gilded
cesspool of contemporary British high society.
Bobbing on the surface, for example, are the bankers
with their 35% income increases - average take home - £1.6m this year.
Meanwhile, the bottom feeders, the vast majority of ordinary people have
average household debt of £50K+ but it was their taxes that paid to bail out
those bankers just 5 years ago.
Complaint is punished severely, I.nstantly Q.uelled.
Take npower (see blog 59). As a warning to anyone complaining about their
profiteering they are shifting of 11,000 jobs abroad. There are worse things
than being ripped off, they say, loudly and clearly.
Boris Johnson is simply the I.nsuferable moral Q.uisling,
an I.nfernal political Q.uack, the pudgy face of the terminal British disease. He
is the personification of the illness that is dragging society down. He is the
ugly embodiment of unearned privilege.
Rather than the I.nspired Q.uintilian he believes
himself to be, Boris Johnson is an I.rritating Q.unt.
for BJ cartoon go to top of right hand column of blog and click on the orange 'Amanda Baker'
for BJ cartoon go to top of right hand column of blog and click on the orange 'Amanda Baker'