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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Terminal Carelessness. (509)

In the context of one of the most erratic, contextually crazy general elections I can recall, charting the fall and fall of rationality, there are couple of glaring things-that-should-concern-us.

The media, chasing ratings and hysterical headlines have pretty much ignored smaller parties including those with a legitimate reason to be represented – Greens, Liberals and the parties representing the 3D (devolved) nations – Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

On the other hand one party – the private company of one Nigel Farage – has featured endlessly. Farage himself, 7x failed UK parliamentary candidate – has been able to rely on media attention at every turn in what I’ve referred to in letters to the press and on this blog as a devil’s pact of rabid rantings for ratings.

This imbalance is matched only by the way the two main parties, represented by Sunak and Starmer have ignored the biggest issues affecting life both here in Britain and far beyond; Brexit, the Climate crisis and the war in Gaza. On the latter, both parties have demonstrated catastrophic moral, political and statecraft failure. Not to mention the way Ukraine fails to make headlines despite it being the literal front line for the battle for European democracy plus countless other areas of the world where Western interference or historic abuse has destabilised or wrecked local economies and eco systems.

But once this Thursday is done (and for me – one of the most interesting aspects will be the turn out) expect the limited attention the public give to the thing that affects every aspect of every part of all of their lives to fade from half-hearted to zero.

The army of folks who have proudly boasted to camera that they won’t vote and ‘they [politicians] are all the same’ and any number of other excuses for not taking the only chance they have to actually influence their own future, will go back to caring about which thin woman is wearing what minuscule bikini - because of course they are not all the same! And which celebrity is making babies with which other person you’d never previously heard of and which remake of which re-made, re-hashed super hero movie is being churned out to a background of cheap CGI. (Am I sounding jaded yet?)

There is a terminal carelessness in countries that are – for now – not forced to care. Countries where the ever-present distraction  and brain-death balm of consumerism, combined with infantilism of adult gaming and gambling plus a permanent sense of an entitlement to be entertained, pushes ‘care’ away from the big issues to the small.

In 2018 the vile Melania Trump wore a jacket with the logo

’I really don’t care – do you?’

It’s a question we should all honestly ask.

Maybe we should consider the old nursery rhyme about caring

Don’t care was made to care

Don’t care was hung

Don’t care was put in a pot

And boiled til he was done...

The point being that by the time enough people care it may very well be far too late…

And on that note I’ll put this blog into summer hibernation in terms of posts. I will pop out to put up info about any new creative stuff I have out.

Other than that, see you in September.


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