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Tuesday 18 April 2023

477. The riders of The Gravy Train are Britain’s biggest problem – not the folk on the boats…

 So much smoke and mirrors. So much obfuscation.

Last week I did a piece about how much more important it is to vote than to strike. Striking – like everything else at present - is about dealing spasmodically and piecemeal with the shitty mess that has been shovelled onto Britain by the self-interest of the wealthy over decades.

Covid taught us that no one in the ruling elite draws a line when it comes to lining their pockets. We only need observe the de-facto profiteering that was sanctioned and facilitated by this government even though they belong to the party that supported the death penalty for profiteering during WWII.

But – as has been said many times on this blog  – since 1979 and the Thatcher working class punishment beating that seems to have never ended – every hard won  post-war gain for ordinary folk in this country has been rolled back; from snatching away free higher education to selling off all the family silver.

Meanwhile – the current prime minister ‘legally’ benefitted financially from a new rule he voted for in 2016 according to his last tax returns – and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

THE wealth divide has grown exponentially since that other public school prat Tony Blair (war criminal and facilitator of the private sector in the NHS and schools’ infrastructure) and his New Labour project. Remember creepy Mandelson he of the Russian Oligarch pals who made it a mantra to be very “relaxed” about extreme wealth. And so they were. In fact the very relaxed regulation of the financial sector helped usher in the 2008 financial catastrophe.

Despite what this actively racist vile government tell us and how they try to fudge the mess of a xenophobic Brexit the fact remains, it’s not the poor wrecking Britain it’s the rich. Their pals own the infrastructure. One of their own presides over what was supposed to be an independent BBC. They voted to pour sewage into English waterways. They have allowed the NHS to wither on the vine and have overseen the exponential growth in child poverty and falling education standards.

Yes stop people traffickers profiting from human misery. The easiest way completely resisted by the government is to create safe legal protocols that can then be properly monitored.

However, make no mistake - the thing we need to stop is THE GRAVY TRAIN.

The gravy train being ridden by Britain’s wealthy is the problem. This huge locomotion has almost unstoppable momentum. Folk need to wake up to the very obvious reason the gravy train passengers are always pointing to the desperate people on boats as the problem…


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