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Tuesday 18 October 2022

452. The Hunt for Dead October…

The British PM now has a minder – Jeremy (woops – I forgot I owned all that property) Hunt.

After lunatic aunty Liz Truss sacked her chancellor this October for carrying out her agenda in his budget-not-a-budget last month – she was forced to either cut KK loose or take responsibility herself. It was a no brainer for the woman with no brain.

So – while much of the British media and public seem to forget or be unaware that our ongoing humiliations are entirely under scrutiny by the rest of the world – and while many Brexiters labour under the crushing delusion that Britain still rules the waves and is excused any amount of madness due to some sort of overhanging exceptionalism – I’d like to gently ease them back to reality with some of my imagined headlines from foreign journals –

My favourite for obvious reasons –

‘The Hunt for Dead October’

‘Truss trussed’

‘Britannia drools’

‘Hell in a handcart with Hunt (part III How low can we go)’

‘Trussonomics trolled by Greece’


And – in a double bill this week here’s a rap (of sorts) In  times of great catastrophe - the ratio of poetry per head of population always increases and its certainly on the up on this blog.

Woz good at banking

Now we’re tanking

In the world ranking

Chad is outflanking

(Britain on cred)


 ‘Oh dear’ ses Charlie-king

No he’s not thanking

Cos Truss is skanking

Markets all panicking

(Cos we’re stuffed)


Print pounds get franking

Liz thinks its spanking

This right-wing pranking

But I am hankering

(For sanity…)


And so on and so forth...

I’ll let you complete the one with the W…


These set pieces were also used in letters to the press last week and here's another letter which has been enjoyed by a few folk after it was printed in The Guardian


Do check out My Books and remember - re Fun Poems for Children  I put up you tube vids of all the poems for my grandkids during covid - they are still there - you tube.