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Tuesday, 12 July 2022

444. Boris Johnson sailed the ship of privilege way past the horizon of his abilities to an island of chaos…

…and the ‘swivel eyed loons’ of 2013 who birthed Brexit and later landed us with Johnson are about to decide Britain’s fate AGAIN.

SO, the answer to my last post is clearly no. Ben Wallace – the in-the-background favourite of the Tory party has not – unlike – it seems – the bulk of the Johnson enablers – put his hat in the ring.

The unsightly spectacle of the talentless, and feckless, the vain and stupid who, in large part, served in the Johnson cabinet of half-wits carelessly supporting him are now scrapping for the top job. More significantly, it will be hardcore Tory activists and party members – 160k or so of the most right-wing Brexit bonkers critters – described in 2013 by a ‘senior Tory’ as Swivel eyed loons’ and courted by Farage who will appoint the next leader of Britain. These are the folk who landed us with the narcissistic, dishonest, destructive blonde blob in the first place. And this will be the third Prime Minister in a row not directly chosen primarily by the UK public.

Is this not the very definition of a failed state?

The saddest part of all this is that Boris Johnson simply showed us what the extremity of undead privilege and nuclear entitlement will allow. He still has his excusers and those who wish to give him little consolation prizes – like an initially mooted idea to allow him and the woman he tried to have promoted to his chief-of-staff in 2018 (the future Mrs Johnson) to have their wedding party at Chequers. Or he can be an envoy to Ukraine. As far as I recall – this method of treats and sweeteners is used to get African dictators to let go the trappings of power – as if these men are naughty toddlers who have to be indulged so they will leave the party before anything else is wrecked and any more children are bitten or spat at.

How very far we’ve navigated away from John Major’s notion of a British meritocracy.

All we’ve seen over the last decade + is austerity and hardship for the little people while those with little talent but huge sense of their own importance – take and break and fake and give nothing. Not even decency in public office.

Boris Johnson sailed the ship of privilege way past the horizon of his abilities to an island of chaos. The post-war Britain of hope and prosperity for ordinary people, already struggling after the socio-economic tidal waves of privatisation, illegal war, pandering to the rich plus grossly damaging austerity - has finally been dragged under in Johnson's filthy churning wake.


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