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Tuesday, 19 April 2022

432. Will English voters dance to the xenophobic dog whistle – AGAIN?

As I’ve observed and been involved in politics since the days of Thatcher, I’ve noted with growing horror the way a significant – and seemingly growing – proportion of predominantly English voters will vote for their own destruction if fed the red meat of racism. Call it jingoism, xenophobia or race-related bigotry – call it what you like – at its core it’s an irrational knee-jerk reaction against ‘them’ (ME) and it has allowed their real enemy – the extremely privileged minority at the top of the pile to non-too subtly whittle away the post war socio-economic gains made by the ordinary majority of the UK. The clearest recent example is the nonsense of shipping migrants to Rwanda as a main distraction from this government’s disasters and ongoing failures in time for the upcoming May elections.

It’s what got us Brexit. Farage with his ‘floods’ of migrants reminiscent of the fascist Mosely and his rivers of blood - was only side-lined when the Tories stepped more openly into the sewer and handed the crown to Johnson – racist, misogynist, liar, chancer, populist political embarrassment and international buffoon.

But we had the hostile environment for immigrants prior to that – thanks to Theresa May when Home Secretary. We had her vile ‘go home’ vans driving the streets of the capitol. We’ve had the Windrush scandal where thousands of Caribbean people who came to the UK to re-build Britain after the war were in effect de-nationalised – many deported – some dead and many homeless and desperate as a result of this huge miscarriage of justice.

Jingoism – as I said a couple of posts ago - is a tired old tune but with an ability to have a Pavlovian reaction from certain elements of the British – and especially the English working class. Remember, neither Scotland nor Ireland voted for Brexit or Johnson – though both nations are paying an extraordinarily heavy price.

Never mind that anything belonging to or benefitting Britain was sold off from Thatcher onwards – often to foreign investors. Never mind that much of the UK’s infrastructure is now controlled from abroad. Never mind that the NHS is on its knees – the state school system barely functioned through the pandemic and in poor areas of the UK, life expectancy actually fell (this before covid) for the first time since such records began. No matter the Tory indebtedness to a slew of Russian oligarchs. Despite all that –the curdling cry that the ills of the UK are somehow the fault of poor, desperate foreigners never fails to chime.

The Tories know it works.  No matter how vile their policies – how cruel – no matter how food banks have spread and spread under their mismanagement and how many families in work now rely on handouts. No matter the degradation – no matter the sleaze and the vileness of those in public office  – they know that as long as they can turn the spotlight on foreigners – preferably brown and black ones with inhumane policies – the dog whistle will work.

It would be nice if this May – for the first time – we saw some sign that jingoism has run out of energy – some sign that – for once the working class of England – the UK’s most populous nation – finally decided to act with complete self-interest and start the process of kicking these monsters out.


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