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Tuesday 14 December 2021

414. Boris Johnson the clown? – Yes, the Stephen King IT variety…

The serial disdain of the Tory party for ordinary folk has never been more evident and it is hideously personified in Boris Johnson.

Of the privileged elite who have plundered Britain over the decades since Thatcher, he is just a more extreme product – as outlined in this post

British Boarding Schools Breed Posh Sociopaths

At the start of this month there were tepid mutterings when it was reported that French President Macron privately called Johnson a clown. It’s hard to understand the faux outrage when anyone paying attention this side of The Channel was calling Johnson that from day 1. But where is the humour? Johnson had hardly warmed the PM's seat with his lazy fat arse when he illegally prorogued Parliament. 

Back in his jaunty days as London Mayor, there was the purchase of water cannon to use against the folk who were mad enough to elect him. Then the Garden Bridge debacle and huge waste of public funds. 

As Foreign Secretary under Theresa May (who overruled the London water cannon) he helped wreck Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s chances of release in Iran.

His public persona is buffoonish clown. But while this circus has been in town, mass profiteering from the pandemic has taken place, thousands have died unnecessarily due to gross mismanagement, the economy has tanked, the already wide gap between rich and poor has expanded, deaths from alcohol and drug abuse has grown and the precious Northern Ireland peace has been put in serious jeopardy.

Boris Johnson is a wrecker; a man without humanity and certainly no empathy. Yes, he will eventually be gone, and doubtless undone by his own disastrous personality - but there remains the huge unanswered question of how this obvious turd was allowed to float to the top and what that says about Britain.

 What has become clear is that the sort of clown we’re dealing with is the Stephen King IT variety not the entertaining buffoon. 


Remember - I'm not on social media but do join the other 3 people who have found my creative stuff. 

This is the latest spoof Teddy talk - 

Boris de Pitre Johnson

Plus there are also my books, most now available on extended distribution in the US and UK. 

As well as the adult stuff, check out...

...and remember – there are youtube videos (recorded during the first lockdown for my grandkids)  for each poem in this anthology like Fruit Salad Person or Crazy Clothes or Bish Bash 

Have fun.