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Tuesday 16 February 2021

382. Play ‘0dd 0ne 0ut’ – UK C.H.A.O.S (Catastrophically Harmful Acts of Obvious Stupidity) version…

As last week’s blog became (hopefully) obsolete within 48 hours of posting when the mad coal mining decision was shelved for reconsideration without fanfare – we’re going to have a parlour game to celebrate. So, here is the game of 0dd 0ne 0ut UK CHAOS version.

Look at the - by no means comprehensive-  list below and simply see if you can spot the 0dd 0ne 0ut. There are no prizes…

1. Grenfell Tower (unnecessary mass deaths caused by greed)
2. Windrush (government-sanctioned racism scandal)
3. Privatisation of public owned utilities (transport/telecommunications/water/power etc etc etc)
4. Privatisation/deregulation of the care sector
5. Criminally negligent mishandling of pandemic
6. Profiteering from the pandemic
7. Brexit
8. Illegal invasion of Iraq
9. Systemic carcinogenic cronyism
10. The Council Tax
11. Cutting social programmes that were proven to work
12. Making the BBC the TBC (Tory Broadcasting Company) by appointing Tories to the two top jobs.
13. Underfunding/undermining the NHS
14. Environmental vandalism (eg HS2)
15. Ongoing moral failings e.g. ditching The Dubs Amendment
16. The overarching cruelties of Austerity


Answer- no. 8 - the illegal invasion of Iraq. That was The Labour Party under Tony Blair – all the other catastrophic shit was/is The Conservatives…

I was thinking we could play O.O.O for casual corruption and just low-level grubbiness next – but Boris Johnson is in such a class of his own there it wouldn’t really be much of a game…


Remember to check out My BOOKS and I’ll let you know when my new radio show starts.