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Tuesday 24 November 2020

373. Covid PROFITEERING… Please call it what it is.

 Covid Profiteering seems to be acceptable and accepted in the UK…

December 1778 George Washington said

“No punishment, in my opinion, is too great for the man who can build his greatness on his country’s ruin”

But a couple of hundred years later not a huge amount had changed and wherever there is a crisis in the world you will find someone making money out of other people’s misery – just look at the traffickers pedalling watery graves for grubby money as the world fails and fails again to care for its most vulnerable and displaced.

In 2007 new anti-war-profiteering legislation was implemented in the US following damning evidence that the profiteers were at it again during the Iraq invasion.

And – here we are in the UK in 2020 and the Tory cronies are also at it - profiteering on the back of the misery of a pandemic; being handed £multi-million contracts for equipment that has often not turned up or been fit for purpose. The eye-watering amounts of money handed to them by the very government mishandling the pandemic.

In WWII companies were fined for even minimal profiteering e.g. selling over-priced apples. How times have changed under the Prime Minister who erroneously and preposterously fantasises that he is some sort of latter-day Churchill… Now it is the government not just turning a blind eye to profiteering but sanctioning and facilitating it.

If you think the UK’s monumental failure over covid is through lack of spending – you would be mistaken. Multiple news outlets have covered the facts of the spending. In the first six months of the pandemic here in the UK £18bn was spent, the vast majority with no element of oversight or competition – Yes from the party that thinks of market forces and competition with religious fervour. It is estimated that at least £1.5bn of contracts have gone directly to pals of the Tory party. As the mother of a Doctor who worked in A&E during the first wave and also a midwife – I know that PPE has been a bad joke, a disaster when it could have made a difference in the early days. And it’s no secret that some of those in receipt of these hugely lucrative contracts have no experience in providing such equipment and have nothing whatsoever to do with supplies of the kind required during a pandemic. And that is before you look at appointments like those of ‘Dido’ Harding whose only qualification for her appointment as head of the UK’s Test and Trace programme seems to have been that she is married to a Tory MP. In case you missed it – Test and Trace in the UK has been a complete and utter and is an ongoing monumental FAILURE.

Yes this has been turned over in the press. Everyone knows it’s going on but we are almost inured to it. If I had to describe the collective response to the inevitable news that friends of the Tory party with no relevant experience have been handed massively lucrative government contracts it would be a sort of collective weary shrug. Some of these covid contracts make the Brexit contract – the one given to the ferry company (by – then transport minister Chris Grayling) with no ferries, look modest and well considered.

But where is the outrage? During WWII many thought the penalty for profiteering while troops were dying should have been the most severe – well what is the difference now. Innocent ‘civilians’ and front line workers have died. Are dying. Even the press have been mealy mouthed about it. Search the headlines and you will find phrases like ‘chumocracy’ lots of references to ‘cronyism’. It doesn’t really cover it does it. Is that because we are beyond shock? We kind of expect it. And politics is all about managing expectations – well, we have none where Tory morality is concerned. OR maybe it is because the upper echelons of the media in the UK also operate the ‘chumocracy’ and it’s really difficult to come down hard on a system you subscribe to.

We must outlaw profiteering from human crises and not just the specific crisis of war. It must include the profiteering of being promoted to a post one is wholly unsuited to or qualified for as that is simply profiteering through another door. But who would need to bring that legislation in? Oh yes, the government currently facilitating the profiteering…


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