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Tuesday 13 October 2020

367. Brexit Britain will be the junkie left on a derelict street when Biden takes the US into political rehab.

Trump is the pestilence that matters between now and November 3rd… for the UK as much as the US.

IF Papa Joe takes the US into political rehab after November 3rd Britain will be alone on the streets without a supplier and no one to ‘chum’ them – as they say in Scotland. Alone and newly vulnerable on Rogue Western Democracies St…

IF you think Johnson and his mob of morons have finished wrecking Britain – take note that Parliament just voted NOT to protect food standards after Brexit.

We have learnt a lot since March 2020.

One of the main things the UK learnt the very hard way was that – while a significant percentage of the population adhered to what felt like extremely draconian lockdown rules towards the end of March – a late lockdown followed by flipping and flopping and U-turns and the undermining of even the belated rules – have turned out to be both a health and economic disaster. However, if you believed in conspiracy theories - I don't - you might conclude that the political carnage was deliberate as Johnson and Cummings cook up something far worse and long term for post-Brexit Britain.

In summary – the UK falls into the club of countries that have been mismanaged to the extent that it has suffered both high mortality AND extreme economic hardship. Unlike others that fall into that unpopular global club (the US and Brazil) we also still have the economic wrecking ball of Brexit to hit us.

It is worth a reminder that the catastrophe of Brexit happened in the same half year period as the election of Donald Trump – and for broadly similar reasons. The populist lunatics took over the asylum and they are completing their smashing game also in a similar timescale.  Brexit is about to finish razing the UK to the ground – November will show us whether the US has come to its senses in time. The difference is that Brexit will only wreck the UK. Trump – unstopped – could yet wreck the world. Only the UK is in the unique position that it will be further weakened by the failure of Trump whose shitty coat tails Tory administrations have clung to. 

The sense of gloom you feel is almost palpable (if you live in the UK – I can’t answer for other countries). You can almost reach out and grab its grey clammy, flaccid tentacles.

But if you were checking the global as well as the national body politic – you would sense a febrile unit, fragile emotions, general aching and disorientation but you will also detect something else we associate with viruses – lethargy.

I believe the lethargy is not just due to the realisation that we are being led by buffoons, that things are bungled daily, hourly by those paid and trusted to run the country but there is another much bigger question hanging in the air – like a miasma. The US elections.

Yes – Donald Trump – the man who has flouted every rule – political, moral, legal and who has just used up and estimated $100k of medical attention at the Walter Reed military medical facility – having paid approximately $700+ in taxes over the last two years and is currently hell bent on infecting as many other humans who don’t have access to such platinum edged healthcare, is about to face an election. Such is the position of the US in the world – even after four years of mismanagement that the shock waves of the result on November 3rd (or the morning of nov 4th) will wash across the Atlantic like a political tsunami.

For us here in the UK the results may be more extreme than anywhere else. Boris Johnson has aped the political style and approach of the White House and the blond blob himself – from the multiple wives and uncounted children – the faithlessness and the daughter-partners, the racism and lack of care of other human beings, has become what we might have called Trump-lite – except ‘lite’ is never something you’d associate with Boris Johnson. His political footprint could have been left by a prehistoric Giant Sloth.

These two men are not only cut from the same cloth, they have had the same divisive effect on the countries stupid enough to elect them and they have been supported by those who thought they could ride their poisonous popularity to victory.

Now the reckoning.

If Trump is re-elected I’d say only this - we (everyone) is screwed. I mean look at what he has done to his own country in just 4 years

If Trump a. loses b. they are able to remove highly contagious and deadly disease which is both metaphorically and literally Trump, from a White House he clearly feels is now his personal property -  Brexit Britain is screwed. I mean even more than we are right now.


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