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Tuesday 9 June 2020

348 You do realise…

…that even when covid recedes, Britain is still SCREWED?

The issue we wanted to forget and that our lying, racist PM told us was “done” in January keeps poking its snotty nose from under the rug where it’s been swept and into the side columns of newspapers but it hasn’t gone away and it most certainly is not DONE.

I know we’ve had a busy time recently. A tiny percentage of the Tory party with help from a useless Corbyn, endowed the whole of the UK with a PM who can’t work out when his babies are due (see blog 334). We got covid-19 like most other countries but some of the very worst outcomes.  Then the US erupted (see my linked letter in the last blog post).

Brexit isn’t ‘done’ it’s not even started. And while we use politer terms like xenophobia and jingoism – it boils down to an unextinguished empire superiority complex – the same underlying and un-eradicated complex that meant we STILL had a statue of a slaver – erected in 1891 – standing prominently in Bristol. Until protesters pulled it down a few days ago. Apparently it was ‘under discussion’ as to whether it should be removed…

The overwhelmingly white upper echelons of the BBC (that has serially failed to address the underrepresentation of minority groups) and the overwhelmingly white presenters of their flagship programmes have been asking – with no apparent irony whatsoever - how white people can help alleviate racism! And they've just appointed their new director Tim Davie (ex-corporate type with no journalistic background whose qualifying factor seems to be that he’s a Tory and might ingratiate the beeb enough to save the licence fee). I believe strongly in a public service broadcaster.  We need one. I wish we had one rather than just a broadcaster paid by the public. It’s not the same thing at all.

Companies that didn’t get out when Brexit went up, are closing or escaping under cover of covid. The most incompetent cabinet in living memory (in recorded British history?) have made a monumental mess of the pandemic and also shown up what happens when you decimate a country’s services with years of austerity which in turn followed decades of privatisation. But that is because the cabinet of deplorables was cobbled together for one purpose only – to flag wave Brexit through. They didn’t think they’d actually have to run the country.

Even car manufacturer Nissan - on whose prosperity the jobs of thousands in the NE depend and that was – as far as we can tell – bribed by Theresa May not to bugger off after Brexit are now saying – they will go if there is the no-deal this government is clearly aiming for at the direction of the real leader – Dominic Cummings…

And the same ‘Rule Britannia’ nutters who were blabbering on about reclaiming borders and taking back control, are preparing to hook up with US agriculture that has lower standards in almost every conceivable way to the food standards we’ve shared with the EU. If, in future, Britain wants to raise those standards it will have to go cap in hand to US agri monoliths. So – it’s not just welcome to chlorinated chicken but to foods laced with pesticides at levels that would fell a rhinoceros.

And who is going to suffer the most? Those at the bottom as always. Those in fact who suffered worst under the pandemic and the lockdown.

I mean – I’m just saying. You know when we thought Brexit / Trump was as bad as it could get and then it just kept getting worse and then we got covid 19 – well – all I’m saying is - if you think it can’t get worse than this – don’t bet on it.

And on that note let me just swivel 180 degrees and face the sunlit uplands and tell you that – as well as my usual Tuesday rant there will be an extra post this Friday. I’ll be launching my latest children's book 'Fun Poems for Children' on this blog as I'm not on any social media and obviously I can't do it in the traditional way at present. Between now and then I’ll do some calming meditation J