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Tuesday, 30 June 2020

352. Dear British Black People (open letter)

Dear British Black People,

As the editorial and comment sections of our major newspapers whiten up again - the black and brown faces pushed forward for effect during the peak of UK BLM upheaval are already dropping back to the shadows – there is one singular and central lesson to be learnt and acted upon.


Yes – as Boris Johnson strops about statues rather than people (echoing Trump’s formal defence of confederate statues in the US while remaining silent on the blighted lives of generations of Black Americans) it is important to focus on what the toppling of statues taught us and not the already fading symbolism.


And what the toppling of the metal and concrete icons to slavery taught is this - black people do not have to wait for approval, from those benefiting from the status quo, to not be insulted. We do not have to petition for permission to no longer be side-lined. Black, minority and ethnic communities do not have to crawl for consent for the right not to be maligned, abused, overlooked for jobs or educational opportunities etc.


When the Colston statue was pulled down in Bristol my first thought was – my god – it was STILL THERE…


I recall the fuss over it a few years ago. Then other things pressed in, like the UK’s xenophobic self-destruct – or Brexit as it is called. The looming prospect of Britain becoming a minor US state horrifies me and then the pandemic taking as it has – its exceptional toll among the BAME community often in frontline jobs, care work and also often in poor housing.


The wailing about statues and not ‘pulling down history’ was hypocritical histrionics. I studied History at school, at 6th form and as part of my Ba Honours degree – though I majored in English – I was never once given a module on Slavery. So let’s bow to the sensibilities of those poor gentle folk and really make it part of history. Put the bloody statues in museums and make sure that British school children know the real detail of centuries of slavery that benefited the British elite. Tell them that a significant proportion of those currently with entrenched wealth in Britain, got that money directly or indirectly from the brutalisation of traded black human beings.


But that leaves – well - everything else…

It is past time to bring the ‘pulling down slave owners statues’ attitude into our daily lives in a very practical way.


We live in a world where the dollar matters more than duty and hard currency matters more than caring. The pound matters more than people. It is time to use that leverage.


Check out your bank, your law firm, your estate agent. How many BAME people do they employ and at what level compared to your local community? If the top rank is entirely white and the x% of black employees is made up of the zero hours contracted cleaner TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE.


Ditto the newspaper you may buy. How many of their on-the-books journalists are from BAME communities? Your communities. If there are none, why are you giving them your money?


Look at the upper echelons of the universities in your city. Are those at the top overwhelmingly white? If so, how on earth do you think black youngsters are going to get the idea that academia is something for them?


What about the channels you watch on the T V or the radio shows you listen to? Do you only hear or see black people when it’s time for sport or music?


If you are not white, privileged, male and or living in London, why really are you subsidising one of the most gigantic, unrepresentative organisations in the UK by paying a licence fee? The BBC’s record on employing and promoting BAME people is far worse even than its treatment of women and none of its flagship programmes regularly feature black or minority ethnic voices. This is a problem the BBC has discussed – at about the level you might discuss the décor in the entrance hall – for decades but they have done nothing to make the changes that matter. Withdraw your funding unless you are some sort of philanthropist for privileged white people.


Are all the teachers at your school white even where you are lucky enough to have an ethnically mixed school intake?


In other words – out of your taxes – hard earned, hard fought for – who is getting top pay? The time for pulling down statues is gone. The media – with its short attention span for anything that doesn’t directly affect Emmas, Dominics and Jonathans – has moved on. But we can do something really significant if the energy moves on and up. This is no longer  about pulling down statues it is about pulling the rug out from under entrenched, comfortable, polite-on-the-surface British racism. The way to do it is easier than you might think.  The way to make change is by keeping your change in your pocket; by withdrawing the power of your pound and placing it where fairness is.


Only then will the platitudes turn into something concrete. And on those new concrete plinths we can build something far better than cold, grey statues.

Amanda Baker

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

350. Why is Boris Johnson trying to kill off his BiFeMs…

…just as Trump is trying to kill off his Deplorables?

I cannot understand why Johnson is now working so hard to kill off his BiFeMs (Bigoted, Feeble Minded Supporters). Just as Trump is organising mass indoor rallies to help spread covid among his faithful, Johnson is focused on getting folks queuing outside Primark, flying to costa-del-puke and back in pubs asap. Never mind that there is no clear strategy to get state schools working again.

Back a few posts (339) I wrote about some of the other many things that kill humans much more regularly and in huge numbers and of which we take very little note. Cars (in terms of road carnage and pollution) damage to the environment, poverty and curable/treatable diseases etc etc etc. One of the very few – maybe the only - positives from the pandemic was the effect on air quality and reduction in pollution. In large part this was due to the sudden decrease in traffic – road, air and sea.

Much of that traffic was not for business purposes or any of what we’ve come to term ‘essential’ needs but simply to drive to shopping centres to buy crap made in modern slavery factories and then to drive home and do the same the next weekend. Also, to drive to schools instead of walking, further damaging the health of those in and out of the cars and – to fly to foreign destinations three times a year to get skin cancer and do more consuming and pretend that Spain and Portugal were just put there for British ex-pats to play golf.

Images of morons on cheap flights – fists in the air like they just defeated the Terminator - were in the popular press and online. And I cannot work out what they were celebrating.

You’d need to be bigoted or feeble minded to have voted for Brexit and Boris Johnson.  Nothing that has occurred since June 2016 has materially altered that view. And you sure would need to be at least feeble minded to regard a cheap flight to a cheap holiday destination as anything even approaching a priority in June 2020.

But – as BJ is exposed as having planned to get an aeroplane painted with the union jack at a cost to the tax payer of £1m – Chief BiFeM clearly hasn’t worked out that the very folk he is likely to kill off are his supporters. Just like Trump putting his deplorables at risk in Tulsa.

Since Gordon Brown’s faux-pas in 2010 calling a bigoted woman a bigot on mic, an inordinate amount of time was spent trying not to upset bigots by calling them bigots. Conversely, repeated  efforts were made to paint racist comments – by our now PM - as not racist e.g. when Johnson’s pal Rowan Atkinson came out to defend his inflammatory comments about Muslim women as – ‘just Boris’ - a bit of humour.

It is past time to join up the dots between bigotry, poverty, inequality and ecological disaster. Covid follows a similar pattern and has laid those links bare.

The same people globally suffering most from covid are those who suffer most from the effects of pollution – the poor, the disadvantaged and people of colour- and it’s time to acknowledge that link.

Politics is no longer about left and right. As the runes settle, the new politics is defined by selfishness and stupidity verses compassion and decency. 

However, if the selfish/stupid folk – Johnson/Trump supporters start to realise that some things, like pathogens, cannot be stopped by a rousing chorus of Rule Britannia - covid may have done us a favour.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

349 It’s time to admit…

…Brexit Britain is shit.

Maybe by this morning our lunatic PM will realise that the economic as well as the health and social systems failures – are not going to be wiped out by a fizzle of hysterical non-essential shopping sprees perpetrated by the gullible British public. There are limits.

A few years ago I observed the slightly painful process of my eldest daughter and son in law as they gamely faced the challenges of their first born with a touching faith that once they got over this hurdle (then the next then the next) somehow they would end up ‘back the way they were before’. No one – least of all me – was going to drop it to them that the change was permanent. They’d get it. I think a lot of the public now get that we are not going back to the way things were. In some cases – thank goodness. The only person who seems not to have grasped that is the idiot nominally in charge – Boris Johnson.

The problem is that – thanks in large part to Brexit – we certainly are not going forward either. And there the analogy breaks down because children bring joy. Brexit is a miserable poison.

Firstly ‘non-essential’ is a phrase that requires deep, critical examination. 80% of the UK economy is rooted in the service ‘industry’ in other words it is not about making stuff or providing stuff we can’t do without.

As that figure sinks in and the government rushes to open pubs and zoos ahead of a working schools’ strategy, it is clear to anyone not breathing in the rarefied air of the Westminster bubble that an economy based on coffee shops and out-of-control credit will not give the UK a post-covid recovery and will most certainly not sustain us in the post-covid-waiting-for-the-next-one world.

Boris Johnson is putting his half-baked fantasy of instant recovery squarely at the feet of the public he so despises. He assumes that those terrified by his incompetence into self-isolation and economic hardship will automatically go back to big spending on stuff they don’t need, have done without for three months and for which they do not have the money anyway. And some will – for a few days.

Privatised and Brexitised Britain does not make much of anything the world wants to buy. Firms like Nissan (and there aren’t many) are getting fidgety again.

The economy teetering on coffee shops and nail bars providing expensive respite for insatiable consumers is as terminally ill as the colonial mentality that brought us Brexit.

If Covid-19 was the tempest we ignored until it was too late, Brexit is the slung lifeboats that we sawed in half just before the storm hit.

It’s time to confess
Boris Britain’s a mess.

Friday, 12 June 2020


… to my book launch for ‘Fun Poems for Children’

In order to set the scene, please imagine that instead of being on my blog, you are in a small indy book shop, at a book festival or in a library.

There is a pile of my shiny new books on a central table (not too many as I had to get them on the bus and they always feel heavier on the way home…)

There is juice in cartons – un-chilled - and some supermarket wine with screw-cap lids. Paper cups but thankfully no homemade nibbles or bags of over-exposed crisps to get the books greasy.

You have your smile fixed in place. (Jeez another book!)

Then you see that even in paperback this one is only £3.98 and you breathe a sigh of relief. An easy present for niece, grandchild, neighbour’s friend’s cousin’s nephew and it’s only the price of a city latte.

OK this might have been worth missing time with Netflix.

Thank god she’s got a couple of musicians so it won’t all be readings. Anyhow she isn’t the sort to bang on about her ‘JOURNEY’ as a writer because if you have to listen to one more of those you’ll definitely abscond with a bottle of that wine to yourself – and that’d be dodgy as she doesn’t drink and has no idea how to choose drinkable cheap wine.

There is usually an anecdote – so here’s one. I once did a book launch at Hexham library for (I think) the first of my dragon books. A guy turned up with his son – parked him by the book pile. Selected a copy and handed it to his son. The son read. The dad headed off to the café. 45 minutes later dad returned. Indicated to the boy it was time to go. Boy put the book – now with a bent cover and spine – back on the pile and they both departed. Without a word. And that wasn’t my worst terrestrial book launch!

Even without current restriction this is – as far as book launches go – my idea of heaven. So, here it is -

Do get a copy for a little person in your life, either the e-version 99p ($1.20) or the gift paperback book version £3.98 ($4.95) and say something nice about it on Amazon or Goodreads if you can spare a moment.

Thank you so very much for attending.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

348 You do realise…

…that even when covid recedes, Britain is still SCREWED?

The issue we wanted to forget and that our lying, racist PM told us was “done” in January keeps poking its snotty nose from under the rug where it’s been swept and into the side columns of newspapers but it hasn’t gone away and it most certainly is not DONE.

I know we’ve had a busy time recently. A tiny percentage of the Tory party with help from a useless Corbyn, endowed the whole of the UK with a PM who can’t work out when his babies are due (see blog 334). We got covid-19 like most other countries but some of the very worst outcomes.  Then the US erupted (see my linked letter in the last blog post).

Brexit isn’t ‘done’ it’s not even started. And while we use politer terms like xenophobia and jingoism – it boils down to an unextinguished empire superiority complex – the same underlying and un-eradicated complex that meant we STILL had a statue of a slaver – erected in 1891 – standing prominently in Bristol. Until protesters pulled it down a few days ago. Apparently it was ‘under discussion’ as to whether it should be removed…

The overwhelmingly white upper echelons of the BBC (that has serially failed to address the underrepresentation of minority groups) and the overwhelmingly white presenters of their flagship programmes have been asking – with no apparent irony whatsoever - how white people can help alleviate racism! And they've just appointed their new director Tim Davie (ex-corporate type with no journalistic background whose qualifying factor seems to be that he’s a Tory and might ingratiate the beeb enough to save the licence fee). I believe strongly in a public service broadcaster.  We need one. I wish we had one rather than just a broadcaster paid by the public. It’s not the same thing at all.

Companies that didn’t get out when Brexit went up, are closing or escaping under cover of covid. The most incompetent cabinet in living memory (in recorded British history?) have made a monumental mess of the pandemic and also shown up what happens when you decimate a country’s services with years of austerity which in turn followed decades of privatisation. But that is because the cabinet of deplorables was cobbled together for one purpose only – to flag wave Brexit through. They didn’t think they’d actually have to run the country.

Even car manufacturer Nissan - on whose prosperity the jobs of thousands in the NE depend and that was – as far as we can tell – bribed by Theresa May not to bugger off after Brexit are now saying – they will go if there is the no-deal this government is clearly aiming for at the direction of the real leader – Dominic Cummings…

And the same ‘Rule Britannia’ nutters who were blabbering on about reclaiming borders and taking back control, are preparing to hook up with US agriculture that has lower standards in almost every conceivable way to the food standards we’ve shared with the EU. If, in future, Britain wants to raise those standards it will have to go cap in hand to US agri monoliths. So – it’s not just welcome to chlorinated chicken but to foods laced with pesticides at levels that would fell a rhinoceros.

And who is going to suffer the most? Those at the bottom as always. Those in fact who suffered worst under the pandemic and the lockdown.

I mean – I’m just saying. You know when we thought Brexit / Trump was as bad as it could get and then it just kept getting worse and then we got covid 19 – well – all I’m saying is - if you think it can’t get worse than this – don’t bet on it.

And on that note let me just swivel 180 degrees and face the sunlit uplands and tell you that – as well as my usual Tuesday rant there will be an extra post this Friday. I’ll be launching my latest children's book 'Fun Poems for Children' on this blog as I'm not on any social media and obviously I can't do it in the traditional way at present. Between now and then I’ll do some calming meditation J

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

347. Trump can cower in his bunker...

…or hide behind the bible he’s never read, from the flames he helped to fuel but we can still see him.

Here in the UK, we can’t get rid of our dangerous-idiot-in-charge for almost half a decade now but if Americans use the ballot box effectively, America’s dangerous-idiot-in-charge, along with his corrupt enablers, could be gone before Christmas.

Additionally - I found this after Tuesday's blog post - a letter of mine on this subject printed in the Jamaica Observer Shine a light