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Tuesday, 16 November 2021

410. COP26 – The futility is in the name.

Should COP stand for Constipation of Power?

I heard many speculate on the acronym in the months leading up to this COP. No – the 26 doesn’t help either. Because it’s depressing to consider this nonsense has been going on for over 1/4 century and still no one who matters seems to be listening. The first COP was in Berlin Germany 1995 and in fact the first Earth Summit was in Stockholm Sweden 1972 half a century ago when I was at junior school. My eldest grandchild is now in his second year of school.

But the COP part does not – as some of thought mean

Climate Objective Priority


Cretins Out Please

Cherish One Planet

Children or Profit

Climate Oblivion Prevention etc etc etc


It just means ‘Conference of the Parties. (CotP?) in other words – a meeting of those who are meeting – and have been for 26 years with similar before. The missing‘t’?
Could it stand for Truth?

It is as circular and pointless as the agreements which have emerged from it.

The fact is that the world cannot be saved by committee. No matter that hard-faced Tory and Johnson toady - Alok Sharma -  tried to make his eyes water appropriately for the cameras when the coal-friendly nonsense was agreed so there was something to present to a salty media.

Australia – who we have a much heralded post-Brexit trade deal with - isn’t on board. They have too much invested in coal to China. India, second most populous nation, has been pissing about but they do have amoral argument. Most of those wagging the finger at India have benefited not just from trashing their own environments but much of the rest of the world. And here in the UK, our glorious fuckwit PM cut foreign aid during the pandemic so we cannot expect anyone to take seriously claims that we intend to help less fortunate countries tackle climate crises and those already suffering the results of inaction.

At some point we may need to accept that we just don’t give enough of a crap about something that isn’t affecting comfortably off Westerners very immediately.  Though mired in personal debt  - most have never really experienced hardship, discomfort, or any kind of real shortages. In fact many are drowning in their own accumulated shit in over-heated houses with two cars out front. And that is just the way the system needs it.

It’s the pure profit motive that drives the West and that is anathema to tackling the climate crisis. So while we may have the argument about whether its huge corporations changing their game or you and I reusing our shopping bags – the fact is, it’s the power and the money moving things along.

In last week’s Guardian Ben Okri wrote a wonderful piece exhorting artists to write as if these are the last days  This is something I've done for many years in books such as

Zero One Zero Two


Casey & the Surfmen

And while most of my work remains on the er-who-is-she list of people who’ve not signed up to social media, it is obvious to me after many years that the two books folk shy away from when they are checking my stuff out are the two listed above. 

Casey & the Surfmen  was from back in the day when I thought collective action and hope could save us – if we ALL really cared. Zero One Zero Two is written from the point of view of a couple of minutes from where I think we are now. 

We are not willing enough to change, to give up stuff that falsely appears to make living less effort.

I’ve even tried explaining to folk that not having that stuff they think is essential  - smartphone – microwave – car – dishwasher – credit card ( and on and on) is not a hassle. Far from it. So much less to maintain, mend, pay for, distract you from you family. I have none of that stuff and feel I am happier without it - though yes increasingly and further OUTSIDE the ring. It is getting harder to live without the life-tracking all-seeing always-shopping environment-wrecking smartphone but I’ll hang out as long as I can.

Power and money go hand in hand and we keep handing power to people who are only interested in money. It sounds terribly boring but getting young folk to vote would  make a much bigger difference than endless COPs.

But – no – we are going to carry on kidding ourselves that buying a different type of car is the answer. Gadgets that regulate our central heating. PLEASE. Oh – and try telling someone their pet dogs are an environmental disaster (as well as shit machines). Go on. I dare you.

Maybe COP should stand for Constipation of Power. At least we wouldn’t have a spare consonant…


And - you know I'm doing a series of ted talks - here's no. 3 In Defence of The Royals