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Tuesday 16 June 2020

349 It’s time to admit…

…Brexit Britain is shit.

Maybe by this morning our lunatic PM will realise that the economic as well as the health and social systems failures – are not going to be wiped out by a fizzle of hysterical non-essential shopping sprees perpetrated by the gullible British public. There are limits.

A few years ago I observed the slightly painful process of my eldest daughter and son in law as they gamely faced the challenges of their first born with a touching faith that once they got over this hurdle (then the next then the next) somehow they would end up ‘back the way they were before’. No one – least of all me – was going to drop it to them that the change was permanent. They’d get it. I think a lot of the public now get that we are not going back to the way things were. In some cases – thank goodness. The only person who seems not to have grasped that is the idiot nominally in charge – Boris Johnson.

The problem is that – thanks in large part to Brexit – we certainly are not going forward either. And there the analogy breaks down because children bring joy. Brexit is a miserable poison.

Firstly ‘non-essential’ is a phrase that requires deep, critical examination. 80% of the UK economy is rooted in the service ‘industry’ in other words it is not about making stuff or providing stuff we can’t do without.

As that figure sinks in and the government rushes to open pubs and zoos ahead of a working schools’ strategy, it is clear to anyone not breathing in the rarefied air of the Westminster bubble that an economy based on coffee shops and out-of-control credit will not give the UK a post-covid recovery and will most certainly not sustain us in the post-covid-waiting-for-the-next-one world.

Boris Johnson is putting his half-baked fantasy of instant recovery squarely at the feet of the public he so despises. He assumes that those terrified by his incompetence into self-isolation and economic hardship will automatically go back to big spending on stuff they don’t need, have done without for three months and for which they do not have the money anyway. And some will – for a few days.

Privatised and Brexitised Britain does not make much of anything the world wants to buy. Firms like Nissan (and there aren’t many) are getting fidgety again.

The economy teetering on coffee shops and nail bars providing expensive respite for insatiable consumers is as terminally ill as the colonial mentality that brought us Brexit.

If Covid-19 was the tempest we ignored until it was too late, Brexit is the slung lifeboats that we sawed in half just before the storm hit.

It’s time to confess
Boris Britain’s a mess.