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Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Returning next week…

I thoroughly enjoyed my long bloggy break as you can see...

Caught up with pals, had a family gathering in Whitby (no flying abroad for this green brown girl). Survived a whole afternoon with my ex-in-laws at my grandson’s birthday party, got my youngest daughter ready for university. I got a few more letters in the press which keeps my hand in and helps me let off steam and amazingly I resolved a 4-year-running dispute with my crap ex-energy supplier. I did this by giving up on their ‘customer services’ department and contacting their press people instead informing them that there would be a granny with a banner outside their office when life returned in Sept – telling anyone who cared to read my prose that npower was a bit shit. Hey presto - suddenly everything got sorted.

Why am I wearing that frock? Because it cost £1 at my favourite charity shop and I have to wear it somewhere...

I’ll be back Tuesday blogging next week - 3rd Sept with a fuller than usual first post for Autumn. And I may soon have news of my new one woman show - depending on rusty confidence levels.