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Tuesday 1 September 2020

361. Does Carrie Symonds give a rousing rendition of 'Rule Britannia' to get the PM going in bed? And…

… can I have a refund?

Boris Johnson became leader of the Conservative party (and hence Prime Minister) in July 2019 – shoe-horned in by a few old white blokes down south  who keep the Tory party going in-between golf and jingoism and being detached from reality.

Then it was summer recess. Then he illegally prorogued parliament. Then he called a December election which kind of stymied any real activity and then it was Christmas.

After Christmas he declared Brexit ‘done’ and we were all ordered to shut up about it. Then he was busy being cagey about the daughter-age girlfriend Carrie Symonds’s pregnancy while he sorted out divorcing his latest wife who gamely complied despite being in remission from recent cancer treatment.

Then we had the pandemic and Johnson’s response was NO RESPONSE but he did go around shaking hands and not wearing a mask with covid patients in some mistaken fantasy that he was a born-again Princess Diana at an AIDS benefit. And then – of course – he contracted covid and we were all supposed to feel sorry for him because he had the disease he was happy to let thousands of care home residents and NHS workers die of while he did sod all and because he’d become a father again for the ? time.

And now he’s just basically AWOL – always. Though he was suddenly very visible and able to do a bit of Boris into a microphone and bang on rather energetically, albeit for a very short burst of time, about the singing of Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory at the Prom.

Does Carrie Symonds give a rousing, rendition of Rule Britannia to get the PM going in bed?

It’s a joke that isn’t a joke really.

If I got some piece of crap from amazon that didn’t work they would give me a refund.

Boris Johnson doesn’t work.

I want a refund…